Is Botox safe?

Yes, for most individuals. Botox has been in practice for over 40 years. It was first used in 1977 to treat eye muscles and was later approved by the FDA in 1989 for this purpose. Patients were noticing fewer wrinkles, and doctors began using Botox for cosmetic purposes in 1996. The FDA approved Botox for aesthetic use in 2002. Botox is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, individuals with neuromuscular disorders, and those who are immunocompromised. 

What is Botox?

Botox is a purified protein.

How does Botox work?

Wrinkles mostly result from muscle contractions. Botox relaxes your muscles, which allows wrinkles to soften and can often resolve them completely with early intervention. 

Does Botox hurt? Do fillers hurt?

Most people report minimal discomfort. Numbing is used topically for fillers. Lidocaine (numbing) is also an agent mixed with all fillers in Allergan's product lines. Please notify your healthcare professional of any allergies.

What do fillers do?

Fillers help replenish volume loss in fat, bone, and collagen. We lose approximately 1% of volume in our faces every year, beginning in our mid- to late- 20's. Whether due to normal aging, weight loss, desire for symmetry, or general cosmetic enhancements, fillers are an amazing solution!

Will I look "overdone" when I get Botox or fillers? 

At Alluvion Aesthetics, we have a conservative approach and focus on subtle enhancements. We still want you to look like you.... just a refreshed you!

What type of fillers do you use?

We use only hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our bodies and is found mainly in our skin, eyes, and joints. According to Allergan, this is why allergic reactions are very rare. These fillers do include numbing agents. Please inform your provider of any allergies to lidocaine and similar numbing agents. 

Are fillers reversible? 

Yes, hyaluronic acid fillers are reversible in most cases. 

Do you offer consults? 

Yes! All consults are complimentary. 

Are fillers and Botox Vegan?

Yes, according to Allergan, the Allergan fillers and their product, Botox, are vegan. 

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a permanent solution for stubborn chin fat or "double chin", most often caused by genetics. The result is a more defined chin and jawline. Kybella is deoxycholic acid and is naturally found in our gall bladders and colons. Because of this, allergic reactions are rare. 

Can I do Botox, fillers, and Kybella all in the same day?

Yes! All of these treatments compliment each other well to achieve specific goals. 

Do you have a Brilliant Distinctions program?


Do you offer a skincare line?

Yes! You may purchase Skinmedica products at this link: Shipping is free and products typically arrive in 1-2 days. Skinmedica is a medical-grade skincare line and is backed by extensive research and clinical studies. Please reach out to me directly if you need recommendations. I'm happy to help. 

Will I bruise? 

With any injection, there is a risk of bruising. However, most injections have a low risk of bruising or will result in minimal bruising. To reduce the risk of bruising, avoid the following for a few days prior to your appointment: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (i.e. ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, etc.), aspirin, fish oil, alcohol (especially red wine), and any other "blood thinners" you may use. Please do not stop taking prescription medications unless advised by your doctor. Also, you may take arnica pills or pineapple to help reduce the risk of bruising. 

What questions do you want to know prior to my visit?

We have a form that will ask you to notify us of your medical history, your medications, supplements/vitamins you take, allergies, and if you are pregnant or breast feeding. 

Can I view before and after pictures?

You may visit Alluvion Aesthetic's social media sites on facebook and instagram for photos. We are given permission to use all photos prior to us posting any before and after pictures. 

Does Alluvion Aesthetics do "Botox parties"?

We love Botox parties! Please inquire with Sarah during your visit or call our office.